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Writer's pictureLeonardo Emmer

How self awareness solve problems?

There is several reasons Self-awareness is the best way to upgrade your life in many areas such as professional, financial, better body health, and mind & soul. In this article, I want to talk about three important reasons Self-awareness is a solving problems in everyday life for you. The reasons for Self-awareness is important because you start to focus in what really matters, you surround your self with similar awareness in many ways, and you accept yourself with your qualities and defects. First, focus is the key to be more productive and cut out things that takes you out from your dreams. This means saying more "NO" than "YES" for everything. For example, to be more productive in your life you must know about your self and maximize your potential to the fullest. In this way, you know exactly your strengths. Also,Self-awareness helps you to say know for your weaker qualities such any insecurities, or any invite to loose your focus for what matters to you at the moment. Also, say "NO" is so much easier when you have a Self-awareness to say for any situation because you know more about your personality, and how your brain works and maybe sabotage you sometimes. Next, surrounding your self with people with the same vision and knowledge is the best way to get faster and further to your dreams because when you want to do everything by yourself you loose time in this way to discover all the steps and keys to arrive where you want to be. People carry passwords and keys with them, so the importance of networking is underrated if you think that alone you can do everything. By the way, the limits we have in this life is time and energy, so when you decide to be surround with people in this trail you will get there faster and further for sure. Finally, acceptance about your bad qualities it is important because you can try to find someone with the missing skill to help you and partner to work with in your projects. In conclusion, Self-awareness is important to solve problems because of focus, networking, and acceptance about yourself in this life.

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