What if you were not aware of your true learning potential? How would it be if you could not anticipate what passion, toil, and training could accomplish? As Dweck puts it, a growth mindset is basically being optimistic about your abilities to grow. Learning mindset simply refers to the belief that you can develop and improve your skills by working hard and dedicating yourself to the task.
Dweck describes a growth mindset in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success as embracing challenges in order to grow and to stretch ourselves beyond our current abilities. "While "fixed mindset" believes that our intellect, creativity, or character are static characteristics that we are unable to change.
Ways to maximize Learning Mindset
People with a "learning mindset" can embrace risks, despite the risks, because they value growth and learning more than others. The following steps will help you develop a learning mindset if you have more of a fixed mindset.
1. Don't be afraid to face challenges.
When you are facing a serious challenge and feel frightened, take a moment to reframe your perception of the situation. Take your challenge as an "opportunity" so that your perspective will be slightly shifted in order to facilitate your engagement. You can use different coaching methods in order to help yourself understand how to discover new paths, learn a new skill, interact with other people, or how to cope with new situations.
2. Make sure you have a goal in mind.
You might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of subjects you can study. Measuring your progress can help you stay focused. Consider your goals - such as earning a raise, learning a new language, increasing your fitness level or becoming more educated - and then outline the steps required to achieve them. You should set behaviorally based incremental goals that help you reach your long-term goals.
3. Do not ask others for approval.
A growth mindset is often prevented by receiving approval from others. Learn to accept and approve of yourself. Have faith in yourself. It is only you who will remain a constant in your life, so you should always impress yourself.
4. You should find your purpose
If you are having difficulty finding your purpose, ask for the essence of your purpose to appear in your heart. Meditation or contemplation on “purpose” and see what tidbits come through, until you feel like your purpose is clear to you or perhaps you have part of it in your heart. Then pursue it—that is what helps you develop a growth mindset. Consider your purpose and find it.
5. Give priority to learning over speed
Despite the benefits of autonomous learning, including convenience and self-direction, these solitary experiences come with some significant drawbacks as well. Learning well sometimes requires a period of time for mistakes. In a group setting, you can develop a sense of camaraderie as well as discover new things from sharing knowledge and experiences. With real-time interaction and collaboration you can learn more.
6. Criticism should be viewed as a gift.
If you open up to hearing suggestions, you can better develop your growth mindset. You might be able to see things differently from someone else's perspective and get some useful suggestions. Criticism is meant to make things better.
7. Every time you achieve a goal, set a new one.
There will be no end to learning. Just because you have finished your midterm exam doesn't mean that you should stop being interested in a subject. People who are growth-minded create goal-setting processes to keep themselves challenged.
Having a growth mindset means accepting challenges, persevering even in the face of failure, taking responsibility for words and actions, and acknowledging that effort is vital to success. Practice is generally what leads to perfection.
Don't let failure get in the way of your quest for self-improvement. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn. Even if we do not learn more from our victories, we often learn just as much from our losses. Make every day a learning day. Utilize the power of consistency and perseverance to achieve more at work and at home.