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Mindset: Fixed vs Growth

Writer's picture: Leonardo EmmerLeonardo Emmer

It is essential to be aware of your mental state before working on a task. Also it is important to be mindful of what stresses you out and how to cope with it. This is because the way you feel can affect your work and how well you do it in order to maintain a positive mental state.

What are the types of mindset?

A growth mindset is one where people believe they can improve and grow with time, effort and motivation. The second type of mindset is a fixed mindset, which means people believe that their intelligence and talents will not change no matter what they do.


  • Hopelessness Hopelessness can affect an individual's life in a variety of ways. For example, it can greatly impact their mood, what they eat and drink, how much activity they get, and even who they interact with.

  • Giving Up Giving up on life is the act of giving up on a goal or cause. Some believe that if you give up hope, you will stop trying to find ways to make your life better, but the reality is that if you give yourself a chance to move forward, then your life can change a lot positively.

  • Poor Self-Esteem Poor self-esteem has the power to affect everything from your relationships to your work life. The first step in improving your self-worth is changing how you talk to yourself. Negative thoughts and self-talk only serve to perpetuate low self-esteem and confidence. Catch yourself when you're thinking negatively and turn it into a positive statement.

  • Depression Depression is something that affects many people, races, and backgrounds. It can cause a person to feel sad or hopeless, lose pleasure in daily activities, have problems sleeping or concentrating, and have suicidal thoughts.

  • Blaming In this world, we are all living with people around us, so we interact with them on a daily basis, and sometimes it may be hard to live in peace. One thing that can really affect your life is when you blame others for the problems that you have in your life.

  • Failure Failure is the hidden ingredient to success. We all fail, but what we do and how we react to it defines our success. Entrepreneurs usually have a lot of failures before they find success. Not everyone can be successful on their first try. A person's failure will show them what they did wrong, so they can improve and eventually succeed in the future.

Mindsets That Help with Procrastination

Procrastination can be an exhausting and frustrating experience. It is difficult to stay motivated when you are constantly feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to get done. The best way to break through this feeling is by using time management skills to prioritize tasks, establish deadlines, and develop a routine.

Some of these mindsets that help with procrastination are: Create a plan for the task, break the task down into smaller tasks, set deadlines for the task, and think about how you will feel after you finish the task.


A growth mindset can lead to better health, more happiness, and increased productivity. Positive thinking has been shown to increase energy levels, improve immune system function, decrease pain and anxiety levels, and even lead to better academic performance. Positive thinking also has a profound effect on our relationships with others by enhancing empathy and reducing aggression.

  • Growth Growth mindset is not a new concept. It has been around for decades, and there are plenty of books and articles on the topic. The key to a growth mindset is understanding that intelligence can be developed, not just innate talent.

  • Persistence Persistence is the act of maintaining a course of action in the face of obstacles, problems or discouragement.

  • Resilience Resilience is defined as the ability to both bounce back from life's struggles and persevere in the face of adversity. It is not a trait that only some people possess, it is something that anyone can build.

  • Higher Self-esteem How you think about yourself has a huge impact on your life. If you have a high self-esteem, then you are more likely to take risks in your life and stay confident even when times are tough.

How does mindset affect health and behavior?

Mindset affects many aspects of people’s life which includes health. If a person has a negative mindset, they are more likely to have a poor diet and exercise less which can lead to health problems. Conversely, if someone has a positive mindset, they can overcome any obstacle and achieve anything that they set their mind to. A growth mindset may make us want to take on challenges and overcome obstacles, while a fixed mindset may discourage us from even attempting different things.


©2023 by Leo Emmer

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