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The 7 Principles of Living a Life of Purpose

Writer's picture: Leonardo EmmerLeonardo Emmer

Why Living a Life of Purpose is Important?

The purpose is the reason something was created. It is what drives someone to do what they do, and it is what gives someone's life meaning.

A meaningful life can be achieved by living in a way that reflects your values and goals. When you live a purpose, you will have a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and happiness that many people lack in their lives. Living a life of purpose is important to the individual, but it is also crucial for the community. Without a sense of meaning in our lives, we will grow restless and may not be as happy. The key to living meaningfully is finding your "why," or what you believe in so much that you are willing to believe in anything. What you can't put a price on is what makes life worth living. If you want your loved ones to live meaningful lives, you must give them what they need to find their "why." Also, it is very important to know how you find your "why," and this brings us to the second step in practice. How to find your "why"?

How to find your "purpose of life"?

It's difficult to know what your purpose in life is. There are many signs that can point you in the right direction, however. For example, if you want to help others, then you might need to pursue a career in nursing or counseling. If you're self-conscious and introverted, then maybe a job as an accountant or computer programmer will suit you better. The important is to find something that fits your personality and satisfies you in your life's values. For example, if you want to be healthier so you can find a way to achieve what you want for your healthier life in the long term and make baby steps daily until you achieve it. But to make this happen, you must have three important topics in your mind:

  • Vision

  • Acknowledge

  • Courage

Vision will bring clarity to your purpose. Acknowledge will bring security and a growth mindset to the game. And courage will make you persist and resilient to not quit because life will show you so many obstacles in the way to challenge you and see if you are ready to pursue your dreams.

Principle 1. Live in the moment

Learning to live in the moment is not as easy as it sounds. It takes time and effort to change your mindset. This principle is about accepting the present moment as it is and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It's about being mindful of what you are doing and how you are feeling in this very moment instead of getting lost in thoughts that have nothing to do with what's going on around you.

It's a skill that takes practice, but it's well worth it because when you learn to live in the moment, you will feel more content and fulfilled than ever before.

There are so many ways of meditating. One technique is to focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth while counting to 5, and then start over. Another technique is to listen to music with a voiceover that will calm you down and help you get into a different mindset.

Principle 2. Be yourself and love your true self.

Being yourself and loving your true self is important for your mental health. It's also important for your social life and relationships. If you don't love who you are, then you won't be happy with the people around you. You'll feel like they're not good enough because they can't accept the real you. It's hard to be yourself when society tells us that we should be someone else. We should wear certain clothes, act in a certain way, or have a certain body type to be accepted by others. But if we are just ourselves, then we will find people who accept us for who we really are - flaws and all!

Principle 3: Pursue Your Intuition and Trust Your Gut Instincts

Intuition is the ability to come to a conclusion without any conscious reasoning. Intuitive decisions are often made subconsciously, but this does not mean that they are irrational or illogical. In fact, research has shown that intuition is actually the result of a complex reasoning process that has taken place in our unconscious mind. It's important to trust your gut instincts because they can guide you in making decisions and solving problems. It can help you find new opportunities and make connections with people you might not have met otherwise.

Principle 4. Practice Radical Honesty

Radical honesty is a technique that is used to build trust in relationships. The technique was created by psychotherapist Brad Blanton. Brad says that the technique can be used to create more honest and intimate relationships with people we love and even with strangers.

There are many benefits of radical honesty, such as increased self-awareness, increased self-esteem, improved relationships with others, and improved communication skills. But there are also some drawbacks of this technique, such as the risk of being misunderstood or offending others. The idea behind radical honesty is that we will feel better about ourselves if we are honest about who we really are and what we really think about things.

Principle 5. Find Meaning in Work or Service that Benefits Others

We all have meaning in our lives and work. It's important to find meaning in what we do and to find work that benefits others. ." I like to think that I can make a difference in the world," she said. "I want people to know what is going on with the environment and how noisy our lives are sometimes." For now, she has taken up her activism by starting a new department at the hospital. As described as examples, we can find purpose in the little things in life that we usually don't think as much important, but they really are important because the purpose in life must be as simple as possible and not a huge or complex thing, as shown sometimes in social media. Keep it as simple and smooth as possible to not overwhelm you. Always remember about vision, acknowledge and courage to start your purpose in any area of your life.

Principle 6. Live Frugally to Save More Money for Sometime Further Down the Road

There are many things that people can do to live more frugally. Some people will say that living frugally is not a good idea because it means that they cannot enjoy their life as much. However, this is not true because there are many things that they can still enjoy while living a more frugal lifestyle. For example, they can still go out with friends and family but just do so in a way where they don't spend as much money. They can also choose to buy used items instead of new items and save themselves some money in the process. The benefits of living frugally are endless, and there is no reason why anyone should not try it at least once in their lives.

Principle 7. Take care of your life daily

In order to achieve your results, you need to focus on the day-to-day tasks that are required. The point is to take care of your life daily. You should take small steps and measure your progress. This way, you will know how far you have come and how much farther you need to go.

What are the benefits of taking care of your life daily?

1) It helps you stay focused on what is important in your life - it's not just about the end goal but about enjoying the process as well. I've always been a goal-oriented person. I set goals for myself and work hard to achieve them. It wasn't until I started meditating that I realized there's so much more to working towards achieving goals than the end goal itself.

2) It helps reduce stress by focusing on what is within your power instead of worrying about things that are not controlled by you. Stress is a pervasive issue that affects all of us in one way or another. The good news? Stress is controllable. How can you do it? By changing how you think about stress and how it affects you.

3) It provides perspective by acknowledging that there is a difference between what's important now and what's important in your future self. Your current life is not all there is. Your future self needs to be considered just as much, if not more. You have to think about your future self in order to stay healthy, prosperous, and sane.

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©2023 by Leo Emmer

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